Customer story

Trust as a sales enabler: How Better Way Health uses Trustpilot to improve customer confidence


Few shoppers are willing to open their wallets for a product that has no reviews—or worse, bad reviews. This is especially true for health products like supplements.


With Trustpilot, Better Way Health was able to easily collect a large amount of customer reviews to build trust with consumers.


They continuously improved their service and offerings, resulting in a 93% customer return rate (with the average customer ordering 5.95 times).

The availability of the internet in modern life has changed how people buy.

Online or offline, few shoppers are willing to pry open their wallets and part with hard-earned cash for a product that has no reviews — or worse, bad reviews.

This is especially true when it comes to health products like supplements. It’s no surprise that people are particularly cautious when it comes to their own well-being. There’s a big difference in the amount of trust needed to buy a snazzy new shirt compared to investing in an edible health product.

Companies selling health supplements and vitamins, in particular, have suffered a reputation blow due to the prevalence of ‘snake oil salesman’ multi-level marketers over the past decade, who shamelessly sacrificed quality and safety for sales.

El 62%

de los consumidores de Europa encuestados en 2021 reconocen que una buena puntuación en Trustpilot aumenta sus probabilidades de comprar.

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«Nuestro objetivo es convertir al cliente en la voz impulsora del cambio para mejorar los servicios omnicanal y la experiencia de marca. En este sentido, el plan Enterprise nos ofrece la independencia y la reputación de una plataforma de opiniones como Trustpilot. Gracias a este plan podemos relacionarnos con nuestros clientes, obtener analíticas en tiempo real y transformar el feedback recibido en acciones concretas de mejora».

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Using Trustpilot to improve confidence within the market

Better Way Health is doing its part to help people have more control over their health by offering premium, science-backed health supplements such as Beta Glucan to customers in America and around the world.

The team at Better Way Health prides itself on providing an excellent product and unmatched customer service — and it’s paid off. 94% of Better Way Health’s reviews on Trustpilot are ‘excellent’, from a pool of over 3,000 customers. Those excellent reviews not only encourage prospective new customers to take a leap of faith and try their products out.

Trustpilot helps Better Way Health offer an extra layer of credibility and peace of mind to its customers.

We talked with Better Way Health’s COO, Taylor Morris, on how they’ve utilized Trustpilot to leverage their sterling reputation as an enabler of sales.

Getting new customers on board

There’s nowhere trust is more important than at the top of the sales funnel — where people know either little or nothing about your company and product. In situations like this, where buyers are very much in the "maybe, maybe not" headspace, verified reviews from other customers can mean the difference between a successful sale and an exited browser tab.

The Better Way Health team is well aware of this, which is why they’ve chosen to display their stellar reviews front and center across their website. Custom Trustpilot blocks and widgets are featured prominently throughout all key pages.

Keeping Better Way Health top-of-mind

Better Way Health’s excellent standard of care for its customers is the key to their ongoing success. Many of their customers are repeat customers who have bought with the company for years.

A big part of their strategy hinges on their various remarketing campaigns, which target past and current customers with reminder emails. And they’ve found their winning formula involves including some of the best Trustpilot reviews within their email correspondence. They even started a series where each month they send out emails highlighting the top reviews from their previous month.

After including Trustpilot reviews in their emails, their new open rate is 50%. This is an improvement of over 100% YoY, considering their previous open rate stood at around 20%.

Underpinning every interaction and touchpoint with trustworthiness

Trustpilot isn’t only featured on their website and in emails — it also expands beyond the digital sphere into their physical presence.

Better Way Health has integrated Trustpilot into all business avenues, from physical packaging boxes to bubble mailers, team t-shirts, wall graphics, and even TV commercials. Trustpilot reviews are also used to refine the product and reward the customer service team's performance—through a handy Bonusly integration, every mention of a team member results directly in bonuses and benefits.

People aren’t willing to gamble with physical health, which is why trust has never been so important to a company’s success. To find out how your company can drive sales and foster trust, much like Better Way Health has, get in touch below.