Customer story

Trustpilot Helps Sendwave Build Trust


Sendwave faced a challenge in demonstrating that its service was reliable, trustworthy, and free to users.


By partnering with Trustpilot, Sendwave was able to easily invite large numbers of customers to leave reviews.


Trustpilot improved online visibility and built up consumer confidence in Sendwave that they could transfer their money safely and reliably.

Supporting the Sendwave mission

Sendwave is a digital-only money remittance company focused on serving developing countries. This means that customers can send and receive funds internationally using an app without needing to visit a physical location. Sendwave is a mission-driven organization committed to supporting its users. Part of that commitment includes not charging fees for sending or receiving money.

To fulfill this business mission, Sendwave minimizes advertising and branding costs. Working with Trustpilot allows Sendwave to provide its customers with assurance and confidence without additional advertising spending.

El 62%

de los consumidores de Europa encuestados en 2021 reconocen que una buena puntuación en Trustpilot aumenta sus probabilidades de comprar.

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+213 millones

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«Nuestro objetivo es convertir al cliente en la voz impulsora del cambio para mejorar los servicios omnicanal y la experiencia de marca. En este sentido, el plan Enterprise nos ofrece la independencia y la reputación de una plataforma de opiniones como Trustpilot. Gracias a este plan podemos relacionarnos con nuestros clientes, obtener analíticas en tiempo real y transformar el feedback recibido en acciones concretas de mejora».

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A recipe for more reviews and increased trust for Sendwave

By partnering with Trustpilot, Sendwave was able to invite large numbers of customers to leave reviews. The review process was made much simpler for the customer, making it easier for satisfied users to share how happy they are with Sendwave. Hernandez says that Sendwave is currently getting around 400 reviews per month.

“You can send prompts all day long, but if you’re not doing a good job, you’re not going to have a high star rating,” he adds. The combination of many reviews and an above-average star rating of 4.5 gives those considering various remittance companies more assurance that Sendwave is trustworthy.

One of the appeals of Trustpilot for the leaders at Sendwave, even before using the platform, was that Trustpilot does a fantastic job of indexing the platform with search engines, increasing visibility for any company that’s been reviewed. When a prospective user Googled “Sendwave,” Sendwave’s Trustpilot profile was listed in the top results, even before Sendwave began working with the platform.

With the partnership, Sendwave has a little more control over what those prospective users see when they read Trustpilot reviews because they can encourage happy users to leave reviews and provide simple tools to make the process of reviewing easier. This means that the reviews aren’t only coming from angry customers.

Trustpilot Boosts Sendwave's Reviews by 60%

Trustpilot ranks in searches for companies with reviews and provides important tools and feedback for its clients. Sending reminder emails to prompt user reviews, for example, has increased the number of reviews Sendwave has by about 60% and has “been helpful in that sense of how to maximize the kind of reviews we are getting,” says Herskowitz.

For Sendwave, Trustpilot's solid online presence makes it easier for prospective customers to evaluate the service, even when Sendwave is entering a new market.

“It’s relevant when you type ‘Sendwave’ [into your search engine] and see Trustpilot,” says Hernandez. “People click on it and see this company has 4.5 stars and over 10,000 reviews [as of July 2023] .”

Similarly, Trustpilot gives Sendwave an avenue to contact unhappy customers. When people leave negative reviews, Sendwave responds publicly to the customer, works to fix the issue if possible, and the process improves overall customer service. They also ask if people feel happy to consider changing their score. This is a particularly important tool for a mission-driven and service-oriented organization provided by Trustpilot.

Trust gets results. Sendwave used Trustpilot to boost trust and visibility. Let our experts show you how you can do the same by booking a demo here.