Customer story

Grow your business with higher conversion rates, improved SEO, and lowered marketing spend

Growth is one of the key metrics to the success of any business.

Improved SEO and traffic means more visitors to your site. Higher conversion rates mean more clicks on your ads, more visitors to your site, and more sales. Ultimately, they mean a business that keeps on growing. Even small increases in either of these areas can translate to huge increases in revenue.

LendingTree saw a 6% increase for conversions and 2-4% increase in revenue per customer by building trust in an industry where shoppers tend to have a lot of reservations.

Turbodebt nearly doubled conversion rates on their social ads and and saw conversion rates on their Apply Now page increase 14% by leveraging their customer reviews.

Churchill gowns saw a 700% increase in orders, 1891% increase in return on ad spend, and moved to 1st place in Google search results by featuring their reviews throughout their customer journey

LendingTree saw a 6% increase for conversions and 2-4% increase in revenue per customer by building trust in an industry where shoppers tend to have a lot of reservations.

Turbodebt nearly doubled conversion rates on their social ads and and saw conversion rates on their Apply Now page increase 14% by leveraging their customer reviews.

Churchill gowns saw a 700% increase in orders, 1891% increase in return on ad spend, and moved to 1st place in Google search results by featuring their reviews throughout their customer journey

«Nuestro objetivo es convertir al cliente en la voz impulsora del cambio para mejorar los servicios omnicanal y la experiencia de marca. En este sentido, el plan Enterprise nos ofrece la independencia y la reputación de una plataforma de opiniones como Trustpilot. Gracias a este plan podemos relacionarnos con nuestros clientes, obtener analíticas en tiempo real y transformar el feedback recibido en acciones concretas de mejora».

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Leveraging Trustpilot in your ads has never been easier.

The best part about increasing your conversion rates with customer reviews is that it’s an easy implementation and once you’ve added reviews throughout your customer journey you don’t need to wait long to start to see an increase in your conversion rates. Book a demo with us below to learn more.